Why Photos of Me?… My Story
A big part of my work is the embodiment of the feminine leader. As women lot of us have been conditioned to absorb a society of doing and forget our values in being it first for ourselves. As a mentor for women in business and relationship I recognised vital embodiment practices were missing from women nutrition to be connected with her pleasures of her embodiment hence through my work as a psychic I teach women to ignite her back to body first for intimacy, focus and passion to uncover her true potential with SELF.
The embodiment of the modern day feminine woman is either under valued or over stigmatised.
I offer women in this situation support and guidance, helping them to see themselves, whether it’s messy, whether it’s dark, whether it’s light, and to be able to see how powerful their inner voice really is. I do this by taking them through a variety of steps and actions, teaching them how to tap into who they really are using pleasure and my psychic abilities.
Growing up there was a huge amount of pressure on me to have a ‘perfect’ life, to be perfect, to look a certain way, have a certain career, marry, have kids. I felt at home. There was also a lot of focus on how I looked. And when you focus so much on how you look, you know, your identity is almost up for grabs.
I felt like you had to be stick thin to be beautiful, that you had to be a lighter complexion to be beautiful. This was heavily pushed on me at a very young age. We all hide our stories and our struggles and at that age I did the same.
I hid away – especially in my 20’s
When I got married very, very early on at just 19, I didn’t realise I was doing it more for other people and social pressure, not because it was right for me. I felt that I had lost my voice, I didn’t really see myself.
During that time I felt very lost. In every way; I lost my voice, my self esteem, my confidence and from an intimate perspective, I lost connection with my feminine, my body. This put a lot of pressure on how I viewed myself. It affected my marriage which ended.
I had a massive disconnection with my body, which heavily impacted how I viewed myself. I had given my power away. I forgot that I had inner power. I had forgotten how my inner strength was there for me deep down, and how it would benefit me. I lost trust in myself. I hid away in my body.
Being told what a woman should look like and how she should behave never really sat well with me as a young woman.
I decided to do a bachelor’s degree despite having dyslexia and that’s when I really found my voice. I found strength in my studies. I then did another degree, seeking solace in my studies. Slowly, I started to reconnect with the feminine power within me, a power that I subconsciously knew I had in me from childhood. I was tapping into my psychic self.
After graduating, I worked in the corporate world for a while carving a career for myself whilst continuing with my spiritual psychic energy and making plans to make it full time.
Eventually I pivoted from corporate work and moved into taking my business as an online coach and psychic to the next level. This was 4 years ago.
My life changed when my dad died. I had a complete breakdown, but that breakdown was my break through.
At that time I was completely confused as to who I was and who I lived my life for. With my dad passing, I realised just how precious life is, I had an epiphany where I realised that I had to brush myself off and just keep going, I knew that I needed a new ethos on living instead of just existing.
I joined a relationship programme and it was then that I started to see the negative patterns of how I looked at myself, I started journaling and meditating, I wanted to heal.
Inspired by my own experience I trained to become a qualified coach. Through that time I had another breakthrough. I hired a mentor to help support me as a coach – I failed at three businesses doing it, but it was a fail forward, to make me who the woman I am.
I believe that every single failure is a lesson and a pathway to something better.
One of my most successful programmes now is for the woman who doesn’t feel ‘enough’, someone who doesn’t yet know her purpose in life. To be quite honest, that’s how I’d actually felt. I felt scared, moving from corporate to business woman. I get so much from helping these women.
So many women have the same story as me; they felt lost in their voice, lost in their relationships, lost with themselves. The reason why so many women who start businesses fail is because they’re not doing the inner work to connect the dots to gain their inner power to break through their own glass ceiling and learn to say ‘f3ck yes’.
I help women realise that life can be the way you want it to be. You have the inner power. You are the story, you are the main event. There is no glass ceiling. These photos of me reflect where I am today, who I am today. I’d love to inspire you too.