UK Boudoir Photography


Boudoir Photography Prices

All our boudoir photography prices include a fabulously uplifting unique immersive studio experience at FYEO. Full direction into flattering poses from your female photographer is included along with our our rock solid privacy guarantee. You can buy a boudoir photoshoot gift voucher online, click the button below to get prices sent to your inbox.

  • Private boudoir studio
  • Professional boudoir photographer
  • Wear your own lingerie or go nude
  • Choreographed boudoir poses to flatter your body
  • Digital images or prints
prices for boudoir photography
boudoir photography package

Digital Boudoir Photography Package

This awesome package includes:

  • High res airbrushed digital files
  • Your 10 favourite photos
  • The FYEO studio experience including full direction into flattering poses from your female photographer and our privacy guarantee.
gift box photography package

The Gift Box Boudoir Photography Package

This fabulous package includes in the price:

  • Black gift box and ribbon
  • 10 satin finished photographs
  • The FYEO studio experience including full direction into flattering poses from your female photographer and our privacy guarantee.

The VIP Luxury Boudoir Photography Package

This fabulous package includes in the price:

  • Boudoir album
  • All the digital files
  • Bedroom wall canvas
  • The FYEO studio experience including full direction into flattering poses from your female photographer and our privacy guarantee.
jodie fyeo review
body paint for boudoir photography

The Body Paint Boudoir Photography Package

Luxury leather bound album (20)

  • A1 size bedroom wall canvas
  • 40 high resolution digital images
  • Private boudoir studio hire
  • Full direction and styling by your own female photographer
  • Wear your wedding lingerie, heels and jewellery
  • 3 hours of studio time
  • Skin smoothing studio lighting
  • Make-up makeover

About Our Boudoir Photography Prices

All our boudoir photography prices include a unique immersive studio experience with carefully choreographed poses designed by FYEO founder Alexandra Vince back in 2002.

The boudoir photography prices at FYEO reflect the experience and professionalism of the the service which also includes a strict privacy policy ensuring that your pictures are not shared unless you expressly want them to be!

Our most popular package is:

The Digital Collection Boudoir Photoshoot
This photoshoot includes our private studio experience s standard, plus 20 high resolution digital images which have been airbrushed.

about boudoir photography
boudoir photography journey

Boudoir Photography at FYEO Includes

Boudoir photography pricing at FYEO Portraits includes;

  • Your own private professional boudoir studio
  • It’s just you and your female photographer in the room
  • Your photographer is an expert at boudoir photography
  • You get directed into flattering poses the whole way through your shoot
  • You’ll wear your own lingerie or have naked pictures if you wish
  • You’re lit by our skin smoothing studio lighting which is both flattering and skin smoothing
  • Your privacy and confidentiality is absolutely guaranteed

Boudoir Photography Prices

Boudoir photography prices reflect the quality and experience of this specialist genre of photographic portraiture. Here’s some advice to help you make your decision about which photographer to choose.
Why experience matters…
Boudoir photography prices will reflect a photographer’s experience — the quality of their direction of you into flattering poses, their mastery of lighting and the confidence they give you in the right studio environment – which we believe here at FYEO should be a private setting. Great reviews and an impressive portfolio featuring ladies of all ages, shapes and sizes, (not just models) should reassure you of your investment into your choice of boudoir photographer.
A photographer just starting out in boudoir photography will probably charge less than an experienced photographer, but there are downsides to this; they will take longer to do the job which means you could be standing around in your underwear for a lot longer, they won’t know all the posing and lighting tricks to get the best out of your body shape, which means that the resulting photos will be rubbish and they probably won’t have a private studio, which means you can’t guarantee privacy.
Top boudoir photographers (like us!) will take you on a journey which feels confident, comfortable, private and positive.
TOP TIP: Always go for the best, even if you have to pay in installments. (Ask your photographer about their availability of this.) Boudoir photography prices will reflect the privacy, quality and confidence of your studio experience.

What’s included in the price?

Professional boudoir photographers prices will charge a price which will cover the costs required to give clients;
A private experience,
An experience with dignity and
Beautiful photographs.
The cost of the set up required to give clients a positive boudoir photography experience is critical to the overall results of the photographs and lasting memory and it is reflected in the price.
At FYEO we have invested in private studio space for each client, a one to one session with a female photographer in a warm, private, female only space, where clients are taken on a fluid confidence boosting journey and finished beautiful photographs,
guaranteed to flatter any body shape.
You should feel comfortable enough to bare all to the camera, (something that we help even the most nervous client do) and be confidently directed into flattering poses in a private setting so that your experience is a positive one.

  • Knowledge of flattering poses
  • Knowledge of flattering lighting
  • Professional set up
  • Streamlined experience
  • Trusted direction
  • Knowledge about which outfits work best

Boudoir photography prices include…

Typically boudoir photography prices include most of the following:

  • Studio hire
  • Freelance hair / makeup artist
  • Studio lighting hire
  • Camera lease and maintenance
  • Photographers day rate
  • Professional air-brusher day rate
  • Printing costs

Then behind the scenes, in order to exist as a business there are many other costs similar to any photographic studio including taxes, energy, pensions, marketing, website hosting, travel, accountant, fixtures and fitting for the studio, postage and packaging, research and development, the list goes on!
Generally speaking, the more experienced the boudoir photographer the higher the prices are for a photoshoot. As they have achieved success and built the business around their referrals giving them more clients. It’s a bit like the COVID-19 infection rate – the ‘R’ represents more customers, a successful boudoir photographer will have a high ‘R’ rate like this… one customer brings 3 referred clients!!

How much is boudoir photography?

I’m often asked ‘how much is boudoir photography’. I think most women would like to try a shoot, but budget can be a barrier, which is a shame because a good boudoir session with an experienced photographer will add a huge amount of value to body confidence, self love and relationships.
Boudoir photographers charge in two ways; how much they charge varies dramatically. The two ways in which a boudoir photographer will charge are:

  1. Boudoir photography package including images.
  2. Sitting only – pay for prints after.


  • The average spend for a boudoir photography session here at FYEO is £1500. Most clients choose a package which suits their end needs; prints, digital images , album, bedroom wall canvas and then spread the cost. We offer bundled packages to help clients get an all inclusive price, so that they can budget.
  • Boudoir photography sessions with an amateur photographer can be as low as zero cost.


TOP TIP: Ask your photographer how many years / jobs / hours they have been shooting boudoir photographer, this will help you decide if they are charging too much for their boudoir photography. Be careful there are lots of cowboys out there!

How much experience is enough to make your photographer a boudoir photography expert?
According to Anders Ericsson, a Professor at the University of Colorado he thinks 10,000 hours of practise makes one an expert…
Anders Ericsson concluded that “many characteristics once believed to reflect innate talent are actually the result of intense practice extended for a minimum of 10 years”.
FYEO was set up in 2002 – so at the time of writing we have 18 years experience, making us experts! Hooray!

Behind-the-scenes costs for a boudoir photographer

Behind the scenes, in order to exist as a boudoir photography business there are many other costs included in the prices, similar to any photographic studio including taxes, energy, pensions, marketing, website hosting, travel, accountant, fixtures and fitting for the studio, postage and packaging, research and development, the list goes on!
Generally speaking, the more experienced the boudoir photographer the higher the prices are for a photoshoot. As they have achieved success and built the business around their referrals giving them more clients.

For Your Eyes Only FYEO Boudoir Photography